It seems I do my best thinking on my longer walks with Jack in the mornings. It’s been cold and snowy so our jaunts as of late have been quick; hence, the dearth of posts.
However, in spite of the twenty three degree temp this morning, we set out on a slightly longer outing. I had been thinking about writing a year-in-review sort of post, but I’m not sure I could remember enough of the year to make it worthwhile. What did stand out, though, I think I can sum up as It was the year things grew.

My guess is I probably bored you more times than I care to admit with posts on gardening and canning. But, along the way I learned a whole lot, and it wasn’t just about plants, fertilizer and bugs. There are so many life lessons that can be gleaned while working in the dirt. Something else for me sprouted, an idea for a book. Ever since I was in grade school I wanted to write a book. The garden is looking to be good fodder for that.
Another thing that grew was our family. Sis and BIL adopted baby Sara in July. It was a delightful surprise as they got the call that they were chosen to parent the day after she was born. Such a life changing week for them! And it was for the rest of us as well. Himself and I are not only her aunt and uncle but her Godparents and we are slowly growing into those roles. Thankfully, Sara’s too little to know when we manage to screw up!
I wish I could say that everything that grew this year was good. Unfortuantely both my waistline and my pocketbook can tell you otherwise. Unexpectedly having to replace the furnace in January wasn't something we wanted or had planned on doing. But when the it is in the twenties and snowing for weeks on end, it just wasn't a choice. And we are hoping the treadmill we just acquired will help with the waistline and scale issues!
I pray, for both you and for me, the 2013 is a year of good and lasting growth! (and not the waistline kind!)
I wish I could say that everything that grew this year was good. Unfortuantely both my waistline and my pocketbook can tell you otherwise. Unexpectedly having to replace the furnace in January wasn't something we wanted or had planned on doing. But when the it is in the twenties and snowing for weeks on end, it just wasn't a choice. And we are hoping the treadmill we just acquired will help with the waistline and scale issues!
I pray, for both you and for me, the 2013 is a year of good and lasting growth! (and not the waistline kind!)