I remember way back when, when we were hoping and trying to have babies, how life seemed to be lived in two week increments – CD1 to peak to waiting, hoping for that BFP. It often times seemed like life was on hold. I didn’t want to get a season pass to the local amusement park, just in case. I didn’t want to commit to vacation plans, just in case. I wouldn’t drink that glass of wine or beer, you’ve got it, just in case.
Somewhere along the line I figured out that if I kept living life like that I was going to be missing a whole lot of it. And if that BFP didn’t ever happen, and it didn’t, where would I be? Probably wishing I had done things differently. So we did. We chose to live life boldly and appreciate the here and now.
What reminded me of this is the mess a of room that is our dining room, now “storage room”, that currently holds all the displaced living room furniture. Lamps and tables and boxes clutter the floor and make the room unusable for the time being.
It was so tempting to put off having company until the decorating was complete. The house is a mess, don’t come over. Had we did that, though, we would have missed an awesome visit with my cousins who were visiting from Florida. We would have not had potato pancakes and fresh kilbasa with my in-laws. We would still be waiting to catch up with friends.
We keep plugging away at the decorating. I have been working on the curtains and we just found out that the carpeting will be installed tomorrow. We’ll still have pictures to print and frame. And I want to sew some new pillows for the couch and it will take a while. But heck if I’m putting the rest of life on hold!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sew long
We're in the midst of a home redecorating project, one that should have been long done. I am trying to find something for which to be grateful during this long time of waiting.
I suppose the first is the most obvious. We are doing it. We are making that room, the living room, our own. No more of the previous owners' decorating choices, none of their color picks, grace the walls and soon the floors. We are doing it to our tastes and enjoying being creative in the decisions we are making.
It has taught me patience, more than I want at this time, but patience nonetheless. In March I ordered fabric for our new curtains and it should have arrived sometime mid-April. But, it apparently was on a slow boat from China (no, really it was) and got delayed in customs. So, it arrived in the middle of May, right about the same time I got my much mulch. Outdoor chores had to take priority. And then there was the carpet. Don't get me started. Not now. The carpet, that's a topic for whole other post.
Another post. This whole decorating project has given my slightly empty head much fodder for future posts. I suppose that, too, is something for which to be grateful.
I suppose the first is the most obvious. We are doing it. We are making that room, the living room, our own. No more of the previous owners' decorating choices, none of their color picks, grace the walls and soon the floors. We are doing it to our tastes and enjoying being creative in the decisions we are making.
It has taught me patience, more than I want at this time, but patience nonetheless. In March I ordered fabric for our new curtains and it should have arrived sometime mid-April. But, it apparently was on a slow boat from China (no, really it was) and got delayed in customs. So, it arrived in the middle of May, right about the same time I got my much mulch. Outdoor chores had to take priority. And then there was the carpet. Don't get me started. Not now. The carpet, that's a topic for whole other post.
Another post. This whole decorating project has given my slightly empty head much fodder for future posts. I suppose that, too, is something for which to be grateful.
Monday, June 25, 2012
That's Why I Pray
I’m begging for forgiveness
I wanna make a difference even in the smallest way
I’m only one person, but I can feel it working
I believe in better days
That’s why I pray, yeah
That’s why I pray, yeah
I wanna make a difference even in the smallest way
I’m only one person, but I can feel it working
I believe in better days
That’s why I pray, yeah
That’s why I pray, yeah
Thursday, June 21, 2012
One Lovely Blog Award
Mary at St. Henry II gave me this award. What fun! I've enjoyed her blog for a while now and have been inspired by her choice to be a Prayer Warrior for Larisa. Thank you, Mary!
Here are the steps to follow after receiving this award:
· Share who gave it to you with a link back to their blog.
· Write down seven random facts about yourself.
· Give this award to fifteen other bloggers.
· Let them know they’ve won.
· Pop the award on your blog.
Seven random facts about me:
· I can't whistle, not one bit. When I try, it sounds like howling wind.
· I can't hula hoop either. This girl's hips just don't move that way!
· Many, many years ago I traveled to Russia and while in Moscow was detained by the police.
· In grade school I took guitar, flute and french horn lessons. Unfortunately, I didn't stick with any of them. I wish I had.
· The longest distance I've ever run is 20 miles.
· I used to be terrified of speaking in public. I got over it and even gave a speech in front of 500 people.
· If I had to choose between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, I would choose vanilla, every single time.
I am giving this award to:
The Road Home
Perfect Power in Weakness
City Wife, Country Life
Life as Two
Catholic & Crunchy
Made for Another World
Here are the steps to follow after receiving this award:
· Share who gave it to you with a link back to their blog.
· Write down seven random facts about yourself.
· Give this award to fifteen other bloggers.
· Let them know they’ve won.
· Pop the award on your blog.
Seven random facts about me:
· I can't whistle, not one bit. When I try, it sounds like howling wind.
· I can't hula hoop either. This girl's hips just don't move that way!
· Many, many years ago I traveled to Russia and while in Moscow was detained by the police.
· In grade school I took guitar, flute and french horn lessons. Unfortunately, I didn't stick with any of them. I wish I had.
· The longest distance I've ever run is 20 miles.
· I used to be terrified of speaking in public. I got over it and even gave a speech in front of 500 people.
· If I had to choose between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, I would choose vanilla, every single time.
I am giving this award to:
The Road Home
Perfect Power in Weakness
City Wife, Country Life
Life as Two
Catholic & Crunchy
Made for Another World
Monday, June 18, 2012
Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.
Hebrews 13:2
Saturday morning our neighbor next door called and invited us over for a swim in their pool and “happy hour.” I had a commitment to do something early that afternoon so we decided Himself and I would wander over there about 3:30 or so. We didn’t do much swimming, but we sat and drank these tasty treats and talked about everything under the sun. Topics included gardening, losing a parent, faith, politics, cooking and local restaurants, the dogs (of course), education, art, raising teenagers (they have 2) and the odd things boys that age like to do. The hours flew by and I went home that evening feeling refreshed and relaxed.
Kim has, on many occasions, issued a blanket invitation to come over and swim whenever we want. We have never taken them up on it. The next morning it hit me. We often issue the same invitation to friends and family. Stop over any time and we’ll sit on the patio and have a drink. And, yet, with the exception of my in-laws, no one has really ever taken us up on that offer. I suddenly understood all of Kim’s invitations. They feel blessed with what they have and wish to share it, and the enjoyment it brings, with others.
We live in a fairly rural area and enjoy an abundance of wildlife. It brings us great joy to watch the bluebirds go in and out of the box building a nest or a gold finch take a bath in the pond or a snake slither along the garden wall. We feel blessed and are grateful. We want to share it.
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
What a great gift it is to allow someone to take care of you. Mary Magdalene washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.
Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment. (Luke 7:37-38)
I often pride myself on being a good hostess. This weekend I learned that being receptive to and participating in someone else's hospitality is important as well. Jim and Kim shared something that was important to them; something that brings them joy and happiness. And for that I am grateful!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Flag Day
If you do nothing else to celebrate this day, watch this video. Red Skelton description of the pledge to our flag is timeless, and oh so true.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Life’s Too Short. . .
. . . to drink bad coffee.
. . . to tolerate bad behavior.
. . . to not watch the clouds roll by.
. . . to hold grudges.
. . . to not dance in the rain.
. . . to drink cheap beer.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Peas please!
Back in January, we were either a little ahead of the game or very optimistic.
Several months later, we're eating good!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Thankful Thursday (17)
This week I am thankful for. . .
Family – This past weekend we put in our vegetable garden. My in-laws used to put in a large garden when Himself was growing up, but haven’t done so in the last few years. I think my father-in-law really misses it as he volunteered to help us put ours in. What could have been a very long, difficult job was done in just a few hours.
Good weather – It’s been sunny and comfortable around here lately and about to get a bit warmer. Bring on that summer weather!
Days off from work – We didn’t do anything involved or extravagant, just a walk in the park and lunch at a local tavern yesterday, but what a sweet way to spend the day with my honey!
Homemade bread – FIL has been hinting about getting a loaf of homemade rye bread. So, Saturday before they came over I mixed up a loaf and baked it while they were here. It smelled so good, so Tuesday I made a load for us. Oh my goodness, it was great! A definite keeper recipe.
Monday, June 4, 2012
I didn’t know their names

From the somber look of the face of young gal working today, I knew it was bad.
The other lady that works here?
Yes. It was her son.
I didn’t know her name. I didn’t put it all together.
His mom, Paula, should have been behind the counter working this morning. Instead she is planning a funeral.
I looked at the young gal working. I talk to her often. She’s a delightful young lady who is an extremely talented artist. She’s planning on attending a local university in the fall to further hone her drawing and painting skills.
And you? I asked her.
Her name is Daisy.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Funny Foto - #3
This is along the highway I take home from work everyday. Can't you just picture some drunk calling?
Hi occifer! I saw your sign so I thought I'd give you a buzz. Oh, wait! I'm the one with the buzz. Ha! ha!
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