Monday, December 1, 2014

First Photo - December

The Linden dropped its leaves just a few days after the November photo was taken.  Per usual, they went all at once: attached to the tree when we went to bed one evening, and on the ground the next morning.

November felt like that, everything happening all at once.  The temperature dropped precipitously.  Snow flew fast and furious.  Daylight disappeared giving us drastically shorter days.

It feels like December should be the month to hunker down and just be.  But it won't.  With Advent and Christmas there is going to be a lot of going and doing.  That's probably good, because the weather and light makes me want to hibernate.  I want to eat and sleep and read good books under a blanket next to the fire.  Maybe next month.



  1. I feel like I know that tree now. Can't wait to see what you pick for First Photo 2015!

  2. I want MONEY!!!

    (and working families are who I want it from!!!)

    San Felipe de Neri Parish; 2005 North Plaza NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

    mailing address: PO Box 7007, Albuquerque, NM 87194

    Pastor: Rev. Dennis Garcia

    Deacons: Jose Lucero, Maurice Menke, Tom Perez, James Carabajal

    Religious education: Melany Gallegos, Director
    School: Jennifer Mason, Principal
    Museum and Gift Shop: Steve Torres Manager (convent bookstore on-site)

    Stewardship Report:

    November 1 & 2, 2014

    Sunday envelopes: $6,906.50
    Sunday loose: $909.72
    Envelopes used: 321
    Building fund: $1,009.00
    All Saints Day: $1,037.00
    All Souls Day: $565.00
    St. Vincent De Paul: $1,843.00
    Other: $192

    Renovation Pledge/Annual Catholic Appeal:

    Our Parish Goal is $80,000 to pay on our debt for the renovation project.
    Total pledged: $71,285.14
    Total paid: $54,795.14
    Pledge balance: $16,490.00

    Families: (active registered) 1,200
    Total number of pledges: 245
