There is nothing like a good bowl of soup. Now that the weather has turned colder it is a meal I frequently make. I have found that the best soups are usually fairly simple to make. When they start getting complicated, they lose my interest and oftentimes just aren't all that good.
There are so many good recipes out there that we never have to have the same thing twice. When the soup turns out especially good, like this one did, it goes in my personal cookbook.
I usually can read a recipe and determine if it something we are going to like. I cannibalized several recipes I found online to get this version. Most of the ones I found were heavy-handed in adding seasonings. If you can find a good Chorizo, you will have plenty of flavor already there.
Chorizo Sweet Potato Soup

1 pound Chorizo sausage
6-8 cups of chicken stock
3 sweet potatoes, peeled and dices
2 carrots, peeled and diced
2 celery stalks, diced
1 medium onion, diced
salt and pepper to taste

Place sweet potatoes in large pot and cover with chicken broth. Bring to a rolling boil and then turn temperature down to gentle simmer. Cook until sweet potatoes are soft when pricked with a fork.

Add carrots, celery and onion to sausage and cook until slightly softened.
Using an immersion blender, puree potatoes to desired consistency. I left the mixture just a little bit chunky. Add sausage mixture. Season with salt and pepper as needed. Simmer on low 20-30 minutes.
I used homemade chicken stock so I can safely say that this is gluten free. If using store bought broth, check the package.