

Sunday, July 17, 2016

TToT (16): June & July

Sneaking this one in just under the wire.  There's lots for which I am thankful since I last wrote, let's see if I can remember May, June and July so far!
one:  I'm so very glad nobody seems to mind if people pop in and out of this link-up.  I'm nothing if not inconsistent when it comes to writing these.
two:  If you somehow missed it, The Cleveland Cavaliers won the Championship!  That's the biggest thing in NE Ohio since I don't know when.  The last time a Cleveland team won a major sports title, I was just a few weeks old.  And, that my friends, was a long, long time ago. 
three:  I had a week off at the end of June for vacation.  It was one of those "stay-cations" and it was lovely!  I futzed in the gardens, played putt putt, hiked, and did a whole lot of nothing. 
four:  Christine mentioned last week that while she was in Ohio, we got to get together and visit another lovely lady, Melody and her family.  What a wonderful afternoon that was! 
five:  Sis and BIL have a pool in their backyard.  One of the days that we over there, it was a little too cold to swim.  But, that didn't stop up from dippin' our toes in and splashing around a it.
six:  We enjoyed a lot of hikes in our local county parks.  Jack liked going off-trail and into the stream.
seven: While on vacation, we pulled out the hammock.  We've been enjoying cold beverages, good books, naps, and the choir of birds while lounging on it.  We feel sorry for PWH.(**) 
eight:  The view from said hammock has been quite beautiful of late - blue skies and puffy white clouds.  It never gets old trying to figure out what the clouds look like.  Today we had, among other things, a dragon, a puppy and a baby. 
nine:  I have been reading a lot lately and have had many good books from which to choose.  Two I am currently reading, Divine Mercy for Moms and The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder,  I was given copies so that I could read and review them.  I'm a little behind, but soon.
ten:  I love a lazy Saturday or Sunday.  Between going to work and just doing normal errands, I sometimes feel like I'm always in the car.  Recently, I have been trying to make it a point to have "go nowhere days" and I love them!
Check out more goodness at one of these hosts:
 ** PWH - People Without Hammocks


  1. Write one of these whenever you can. No problem. Welcome back.
    Hiking is just such a satisfying thing.
    I also love books of letters. That one sounds interesting.
    Ah, the good old hammock. Have lots of memories of those. Best place to observe the clouds, you are right.

  2. It was such a lovely afternoon visiting with you, your husband, and Melody's family. I'm thinking it needs to happen every year! :)
    I'm quite sad that I fall into the PWH group.
    Our youngest is especially into finding shapes in the clouds. When I'm driving around town, he'll yell from the backseat, "Oh! A rabbit!" It took me quite a while to figure out he meant a rabbit in the clouds.

  3. Jack looks like he is having a lot of fun! There is nothing quite like hiking!

  4. love the hammock photo. we need to take the cameras for a walk....maybe after the heat breaks next week : )
