

Saturday, September 26, 2015

TToT (9) - All Things Sepember

 The last time I did this I said I was going to participate every other week.  Well, we know how that worked out, or not.  So, I'll tell you what.  I'm going to commit to being grateful all the time, and writing about it sometimes.  Works for me.
- one -
September weather has been spectacular.  Warm, clear days and cool nights - my definition of perfect weather.
 - two -
Beautiful sunrises. 
- three -
 Venus shining brightly. 
  - four -
Glorious sunsets. 
- five -
 Continued harvest from our garden. 
- six -
Hummingbirds hanging around just a little longer than usual.  The males head south first, usually at the end of August, beginning of September.  The females, like the beauty below, usually make their trek a week or so later.  This year they stayed a little longer.   
 - seven -
Saturday morning walks in the park
- eight -
The last of the of the local outdoor concerts were held Labor Day weekend.  Normally the concerts are just on Friday nights, but the finale spans three days.  We went to the Friday night show, a Kiss tribute band and they were spectacular.  I was never a Kiss fan, but these guys were excellent!
- nine -
Nothing good on TV.  That might sound weird, but without the distraction of the boob tube I've been reading a lot more.  A number of my favorite authors have had new releases and I managed to snag them from the library. 
- ten -
Most, if not all, of the canning for the year is done.  The last couple of years I have counted the number of tomatoes that I processed and the number of jars produced.  Not this year.  There was no counting, just doing.  I like that.  If we pick more apples, I might just have to can some of those.  But, as Martha says, it's a good thing!

Check out more goodness at  A Fly on Our (Chicken Coop) Wall.


  1. A fantastic list, filled with fantastic photos.

  2. Such pretty pictures! We've still got some things coming from the garden, but you can tell the shorter days are sending their signals.

  3. I think of this every night when I take out the dog and see venus up there in the night

  4. Beautiful nature the sunrise, the bird and the dog with the rays of sunlight!!! so soothing:)

  5. yow! excellent photos! (I laughed at number 7 'cause my first thought was, "look at the bear!")

    good listationing!

  6. I love your pictures and your plan to ALWAYS find gratitude and write about it 'sometimes'... :) I thought the same thing as Clark thinking that was a BEAR in that picture depicting your walks!!

    Books are so much more filling than tv- I constantly think to myself "Just read tonight- it's much more nourishing." And the nights I do, I absolutely love it. I've often thought about stopping tv at night altogether... I can only imagine how many books I would devour, and I have a HUGE pile of books I want to read!!

  7. Such beautiful pictures! And such great things going on!

  8. Great list and I love the photos with them! I also like your commitment to be thankful all the time and write about it sometimes. Sounds perfect.

  9. I love your photos. We have a lot of hummingbirds that hang around year round here. Not all of them, but some.

  10. This is a no-pressure blog hop--we're happy when you are here, but understand when life gets busy!
    You must have gotten a lot of canning done, to dispense with the counting! :-)

  11. Another vote for beautiful photos. And yay to the library books and reading. I've rediscovered the adult side of the library this summer, too. I always take my daughter, but have not checked anything out in forever. This summer, I enjoyed quite a few old favorites and am enjoying trying out some new authors as well.
    Like Kristi said, hop along with us when you feel moved - we all get a bit crazy at times!

  12. I love your commitment to being grateful all the time! That's something I really need to work on.

  13. What a delightful list of things to be thankful for!


  14. Grateful always and write about it sometimes.
    Love that.
    Thanks for labelling your photos. I love sunsets, sunrises, and Venus. I have never had enough vision to know what a hummingbird looks like, but I know they are tiny little things.

  15. Donna, those photos are gorgeous!!
    Before I read I scrolled through the photos. At first glance, I wondered where you went on vacation to have seen a bear up close. Ha! It only took me a few seconds to recognize him, I swear! :)
    I fun that you are still getting garden goodies! I finished up my canning today with 7 quarts of applesauce. I have enough apples to can 7 more, but I don't have the time. I'm just going to take them to school pickup and give them to whomever wants them.
