

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sand Pail List – Take 2

Last year we created a Sand Pail List of things to do during the summer.  The list was good for that summer only and contained a variety of entertaining options.  Some of the items were very specific, Stop for ice cream at the local stand, and others were more open-ended, Go to at least one free concert.  

What a great summer we had!  We didn’t do everything on the list.  Some items we did more than once and in the case of another, we did a slightly different version.  All-in-all, we had fun!

Without further ado, here’s our 2014 Sand Pail List.  Some things are repeats and some items are new.  Watch out summer, here we come!

· Stop for ice cream at the RS stand. – We’ve passed by this place a few times and it looks like a combination of corner store, ice cream stand, and bait supply shop.
· Try out a new winery.
· Go to at least one free concert – Last year we went to several, but the one we really wanted to see, a Janis Joplin cover band, got rained out twice.  I’m counting on sunshine and blue skies on June 27th!
· Go to the County Fair and enter something into one of the competitions.
· Go for a hike in one of the county or state parks that we haven’t yet been to.
· Browse the local antique barn. - We've driven past it any number of times but have never stopped to look.  Why not now?
· Take a train ride.

· Go to a drive-in movie. - It's been years since we've gone to the theater to see a movie, it was the last Harry Potter one.  It has been much, much longer since I've been to the drive-in - before we were married.  Here's hoping there will be something good to see this summer.

· Brew our own beer.

· Make homemade ice cream.

What’s in your pail?



  1. Go to the lake, Boat ride on Lake, Fishing, Drive-In movie, take a weekend trip somewhere new.

  2. I'm going to have to talk to my dh about doing this...he's off this summer and I only work part time so I'm sure we can make a list. hmmmm...I like the trying a winery idea.

  3. Love this idea! Hope you get to accomplish all, or at least have a blast in the process. :)
