

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for. . .

* Your comments – Your comments on my last post, the first of the IF series, were so encouraging.  When I set out to write that series I had something specific in mind, but it seems to be evolving to something slightly different. 

* Anniversaries – Sis and BIL celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary today.  I’m not sure they realize just how much joy they have brought to our family.  They married exactly one month after mom passed away (9/18) and gave us something to celebrate in a time of great sorrow.  And now, by bringing baby Sara into the family, we have much more to rejoice in.  Love them all!

* Our county parks – The county in which we live has a number of really nice parks spread throughout it. 

* Fall – Just when we hit think we’ve hit peak color, it gets more beautiful.  Saturday morning I took Jack for a walk one of our favorite parks and got to enjoy some beautiful scenery.

* Frost – That sounds weird, I know.  The morning frost lends a whole new beauty to the landscape.  Everything seems to sparkle.  And it has killed off many of the pesky bugs.  Yeah!

What are you thankful for?



  1. Loving fall this year too - I was thinking the same thing about the peak color, sure we had already seen it and then the last 2 days have been breathtaking.

    I do think I'll pass on the frost though, thanks :).

  2. I am thankful that my husband started to sand some of the furniture I am going to paint. I am also thankful for the smell of dinner cooking in the oven :)

  3. I like the crispness in the air after a frost. Today felt like a nice fall day around here and when i got outside...I tried to soak it in. Frost does lend a little something to the landscape...I couldn't agree more!
