

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quick Takes (27) - Sunday Edition

It has been quite a long time since I've done Quick Takes.  But,  since Jen is bribing encouraging us to do them this week, I thought I'd jump back in.  There's nothing like the thought of winning an Amazon gift card to entice this bibliophile to write.

I am planning on starting the IF series this week.  I haven't forgotten about it.  Hardly.  I have been thinking about it a lot, not quite obsessing, but close.  I want to make sure I say the right things.  But, if I aim for perfection, it just isn't going to happen.  So warts and all, the first installment should appear Tuesday.

Life has been busy, in a good way, lately.  Our family had a reunion last weekend to welcome some members that had come to visit from the old country (Slovakia).  My aunt, uncle and their dog drove up from Tennessee and stayed with us the week prior.  What a great week!  It was such a joy to be able to talk with them, uninterrupted.  They have lived a very interesting and adventurous life and share the same values that we find so important.  We hated to see them go.

One of the days that they were here, we watched my niece for the day.  I know motherhood can be difficult at times, but I have a new found respect for all parents.  Babies with bad bellyaches are not happy campers!  I thought I was killing poor Sara.  How would I explain that one to my sister???

The day my aunt and uncle left I had to head to the airport for a work trip.  It was just a two day class in St. Louis (go Cardinals!)  but it was tiring.  I am certainly glad I do not have to travel often.  Getting groped by TSA, packed in a sardine can thirty thousand feet above earth, and sleeping in a strange bed away from my honey is not my idea of a good time. 

Our church just started a Sunday evening mass the beginning of last month.  I didn't think I would like it.  On days like today, though, when I'm moving really slowly in the morning, it is an answered prayer.  Another, local parish has a 5:30pm mass that we have gone to on occasion, but the kids do the music.  Himself and I refer to it as the Rock 'n Roll mass.  Don't like.  Not at all.  Yep, I'm an old fuddy duddy!

“The only object of liberty is life.”
– GKC in Irish Impressions

Check out more quick takes at Conversion Diary.



  1. I agree with you about Masses where kids do the music. If they were my children, I'm sure I'd be all touched at how sweet and precious they are, but since they're not... meh.

  2. I agree with you about Masses where kids do the music. If they were my children, I'm sure I'd be all touched at how sweet and precious they are, but since they're not... meh.
