

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Blogiversary to me! (and a giveaway to celebrate)

I knew I was coming up on a year of writing this blog and when I looked at the date of my first post, I couldn't have been happier or more surprised - the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!  It seems appropriate, as this image of Our Lady has become so important to Himself and me throughout our marriage. 

I've found writing is both easier and harder than I anticipated.  When I have something to say, the words just flow.  And then there are those days when as much as I know there is something I want to get across, I feel at a loss on how.

It was fun to look back on some of the things I wrote about - our IF journey, things that amuse me, relationships, dumb things I've done, finding joy in God's creation.  Hopefully this next year I have fewer dumb things to write about and more thoughts of goodness and hope and joy.  I'm certainly going to try.

It still boggles my mind that you read this, people for the most part I've never met.  And yet you seem like old friends.  And when we do meet, we are friends.  For all of you, I am grateful!

To celebrate, I'm going to give one lucky reader something from my Pretty Things tab.  Just leave a note in the comments.  Himself and Jack will randomly decide the winners on Thursday.

Happy Feast Day to all of you!  And Happy Blogiversary to me!

St. Juan Diego, pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!


  1. Happy blogoversary!!! Dec. 12 is aparantly a wonderful day to start blogging ;).

    I'm so glad to have met you in this blog to do something about the IRL world.

  2. What a beautiful image.

    I love to read your blog and learn how peaceful you are with your vocation. Your spirituality far suprasses my own ;)

  3. Happy Blogoversary Donna! I have been reading your blog for sometime though I don't know if I have commented.

    I admire your inspirational posts and it gives me reason to hope that life will be good amidst our struggles. And that life can be beautiful inspite of Infertility.

  4. Happy Blog-a-versary! Isn't it crazy how the year has flown by?
    Thanks for writing and sharing ... I always look forward to what you have to say!

  5. Happy Blogaversasry!!! I looked at your Pretty Things tab and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the bracelets. Do you make them??? If so, even I don't win the contest, can I purchase one from you? I have been looking for this kind of bracelet for awhile and those look so beautiful! Congratulations again on your anniversarsy and God Bless!!!!

  6. I didn't find you until a few months ago...I figured you had been blogging for years!

  7. Happy bloggerversary!! It that even spelled right?! ;)
