

Friday, January 1, 2016

First Photo: January 2016

When I started posting my "First Photos" back in January of 2014 I wasn't sure I would stick to it.  After all, I'm pretty good with coming up with some new idea for a regular post and then having it slowly, or not so slowly, fade into the background.

But, not only did I stick with it, I have managed to do so for two years.  Yeah me!  There is something about seeing how the same view changes month after month but yet is still the same that intrigues me. 

These last two years I chose trees to photograph.  In 2014 it was a Linden Tree in our backyard and in 2015 it was a stand of trees in what we call the boulder garden in our front yard.  There wasn't always a significant change in the photos from month to month.

This year I decided to document my flower garden behind the house.  Yes, there's still a tree in the picture, but it isn't the focus.  This garden was designed to change throughout the growing season, so hopefully it will yield some interesting pictures.  If nothing more, this may force me to actually mulch it this year!



  1. Great idea to take it of a flowering garden! Can't wait to see what pops up. I'll probably be asking lots of questions, 'cause I'll be going out to buy everything you grow. :)

  2. I agree that there's something fascinating about the way things change and the way they stay the same.
