

Sunday, July 26, 2015

TToT (7) - All Things Summer

- one -
The rain finally abated and we have had some beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous weather.  I'm loving all of it (can't you tell?), even the ninety degree days.

- two -
My flower garden is looking just how I had envisioned - abundant color and blooms throughout the season. 

- three -
I have been making sun tea frequently - good and good for you!

- four -
We are located partway up a hill with trees above us, so we don't often seen the sunset.  The other day, though, the sky was spectacular.  The picture doesn't do it justice.
- five -
Tomatoes are finally ripening.  The picture below was taken a couple of days ago.  That slightly red one is history. 

- six -
We started harvesting broccoli this week.  The four plants have produced nice heads.  I forgot just how good homegrown is until we had it for dinner the other night.  Yum!

- seven -
We had a great pumpkin patch last year, producing over two dozen fruit.  This year, the plants I started in the house aren't doing all that well - as in dead or almost dead.  I planted them a couple of weeks later than I would have liked.  But, I have been saved by the "volunteers" that are growing in the compost pile.  At last count we've seen at least ten pumpkins on the vines.

- eight -
A couple of years ago I tried growing acorn squash and had no luck.  One plant died and the other produced no squash.  Same with zucchini (and who can't grow that?). We have several volunteer plants that are growing quite well this year.  Apparently, I shouldn't even try, just let nature decide what squashes we'll have! 

- nine -
The neighbors had their annual summer shindig complete with fireworks last night.  The put on quite a show - it was spectacular!

- ten -
The weather finally cooperated for the Friday night concert this week.  It was a Bon Jovi cover band.  While I didn't know a single song they played while we were there, people watching was a hoot.  

Check out more goodness at  A Fly on Our (Chicken Coop) Wall.



  1. I love that photo of you with the flowers!! And the tea one. Such pretty colors and interesting perspectives. Glad the broccoli is growing well. No bugs? We always got so many bugs in it.
    Hilarious that the squash is doing so well, considering you didn't even plant it. :)
    Our tomatoes are in trouble. Except for the grape tomatoes, which don't can well. Not gonna have much on the shelves this winter.

  2. When I read about you growing broccoli, I remembered when my dad grew it when I was in high school and it had bugs and I see that Christine has had the same experience. So if you are bug-free, then good for you! You're really going to check that stuff next time you prepare it, aren't you? :)
    You are probably the first person I have ever heard of who was unable to grow zucchini!
    Your sunset picture is lovely.

  3. Some of the best squash my parents have ever grown were volunteers in the compost pile! We've just started to see ripe tomatoes too. My oldest is eating them from the garden as fast as they ripen.
