

Monday, May 4, 2015

TToT (2) - This and That

Better late than never, I suppose. . .

I received such kind and thoughtful comments on my first attempt at TToT.   Thank you for the wonderful welcome!

TToT makes me more conscious during the week of things for which I am grateful.  I like that.

I love a good excuse to get together with friends, as if one is needed, but the Kentucky Derby provided just that.  It was good to see everyone.
We have lived in our house for almost eleven years now.  The people who had it before us had similar taste in decorating so when we moved in we really didn't have to do anything.  But over time, things get a little tired looking. Himself painted the kitchen this week.   There were a few challenges along the way - the first color was mixed in the wrong base (making it look nothing like we wanted) and then, when we chose a different color, only one can got mixed.   When he opened the other can, it was still white!  Himself is an excellent "pigment applier" and the kitchen looks awesome.
Laura over at String of Pearls had a give-away recently in hone of National Library Week.  She graciously added an extra winner to her drawing, me!  Thank you!  Erin's Ring arrived last week. Oh boy was it good!   I'll try to get a post in soon about it.
After all the cooking, cleaning, and Derby partying we did this week and weekend, we needed some quiet, and we had it.  Beverages and the above said good book on the patio made for a delightful and relaxing Sunday.

The great thing about parties is that there are usually leftovers and I don't have to cook for a couple of days afterwards.  And, when the leftovers include homemade cheesecake - all the better!

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Either the first or second year that we were married Himself put a transistor radio in my Easter basket.  I love its portability as I drag it around the yard with me when I work in the gardens.  It's a bit beat up, but, it still works perfectly.
The Cleveland Cavs made it to the second round of playoffs.  In this neck of the woods we haven't had any team in the playoffs, let alone the second round.  Here's hoping no one else gets injured!

My Indians finally won a series, taking two out of three against Toronto.  It hasn't been the best start to the baseball season.
Check out more goodness at  A Fly on Our (Chicken Coop) Wall.



  1. Is that a Moscow Mule mug I see there? :)

    1. Yep! Though it's not a mule in it, but rather leftover Margaritas from the party the night before.

    2. Wow! I had never heard anyone speak of Moscow Mules except from my aunts and grandma. Nice.

  2. I'm so glad you got a warm welcome from the TToT crew. They are a good bunch. :)

    Our kitchen is yellow, too. Such a happy color for a kitchen.

    I do enjoy the leftovers from a party. No cooking for days!

  3. I really love your list! So fun!

  4. I was just thinking about being more thankful today...your post was perfect! Maybe this summer will be the Summer of Thankful! God bless!!!!
