

Sunday, March 1, 2015

First Photo: March 2015

Dear Winter,
I surrender!  You win.  I would wave a white flag but I doubt it would be seen with all the snow that lies on the ground and flies through the air. 
The cold of February was relentless.  The average high, a new record, didn't even make it to fifteen.  Fifteen!   You, Winter, drove us inside, to hide from the frostbite your miserable sub-zero winds can inflict. 
Yes, Winter, you win.  For now.  You cannot last forever.  Spring arrives this month, and with it the promise of new life and green grass and fragrant flowers.  All that may be hidden now under the knee high layer of snow, but it will arrive.   The birds singing at my window tell me so.
Most Insincerely,



  1. AVERAGE of 15?? That's just wrong! But at least in a month you about have to be warmer. Seems like almost a guarantee.

  2. Beautiful photo, as always. But I totally agree with Catholic Mutt. 15 is JUST WRONG!

  3. I'm right there with you! These frigid temperatures have been horrible! We finally got up to 30 today and I told the kids to get themselves outside and into the beautifully warm day.
    It was quite odd to be outside in the freshly fallen 7 inches of snow (on top of the 6 already there) and hear birds chirping. It's gotta mean we're getting close to being done with all of the cold and snow. It just has to! :)

  4. I'm tired of leaving faucets dripping overnight! We have two sinks with pipes in outside walls, and with it so bitterly cold, we've needed to leave them dripping so they didn't freeze. I am more than ready for signs of spring.

  5. I hear you loud and clear...but today I went outside and found that a little it of the snow is melting. Melting! It's still -6, so it must be the sun, but I'll take it. Incidentally, I noticed I'm on your side bar. Thank you very much! It's so exciting to me to see that.

  6. Winter kicked my A_ _ this year as well...ugh. Our furnace went out last week and of course it was too cold to wait through the night so we had to get someone out after hours to fix it. Thank God it could be fixed. I'm so over it as well. I know spring is right around the corner and I just can't wait for it to get here. I love hearing the birds sing...there's hope.
