

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Really? Already???

I was on vacation last week and decided to do some errands on Tuesday aftrnoon.  One of the stops I made was at Hobby Lobby.  I love that store, but as I was walking through it, they had me scratching my head.  Christmas decorations already???  It's only June!




  1. It's about the SPIRIT of the season. (Removing tongue from cheek now.)

  2. I know...some stores like Tar.get puts stuff out in July as drives me nuts. I'm so not ready to think about cold winters yet.

  3. I could see having a few wreaths out for the crafty person that wants to decorate them in the off-season - but an entire aisle of them? Really? Geez...

  4. They are so bad about the holiday stuff. I went once about a month ahead of Easter, in Lent but with lots of time to spare. When I asked where the Easter stuff was and if they'd get any more in stock I was told that they would certainly not, that if I wanted Easter items I should have started looking in December. *eye roll* Now I know to go early for what I need there! (But really, I shouldn't have to.)
