

Monday, May 19, 2014

Waiting Well

Five women.  A weekend in West Virginia.  Cool weather and rain.  Planes, no trains, and automobiles.  Excited hellos and warm hugs.  Beautiful scenery.  Winding roads.

Mini golf?  Rain and it’s closed.  Quick visit to the nature center.  Snakes!  Zoo?  Nope, more rain.  Time to check out the museum.  Old things, history, beautiful clothes, period furniture.  Press one to learn more about how this room was used.  Is that a man or woman in that painting?  Press two to learn more about the portraits on the wall.  Poor, poor, unfortunate woman.

Visit the gift shop.  Good chocolate cheap.  Magnet: You will always be my friend.  You know too much about me.  Fairy gardens and beautiful crystal.

Gluten free.  Dairy Free.  Soy free.  Great food.  Warm chocolate chip cookies.  Flowing wine.  After church grocery run.

Daily Mass.  Morning Prayer.  Canticle of Zechariah.  Watched over by Pope Francis.  Grace before meals.  Majestic cathedral.  Vigil Mass.  Chapel in our house.  Eucharistic adoration.

Heartfelt talks.  Late night chats.  Some tears, much laughter.  Talk of doing this again.  Sad goodbyes.

My ladies.  My friends.  Waiting Well.



  1. Oh, your weekend sounds so lovely! Thanks for the recap!

  2. What a fun weekend!!!! That cathedral is breathtaking!!!!!
    And warm chocolate chip cookies ....... yUM!!!

  3. I'm not sure you quite captured the depth of the sleep deprivation... or the wine... oh, the wine. Six bottles arrived, only two left (half full).

  4. It sounds like it was such a fun weekend! I wish I could've been there!i second the yum to the choco. chip cookies :)

  5. Sounds like the perfect weekend!

  6. The photos turned out great! I'm still a little tired today. Guess I'm too old to hang out that late at night, but I still wouldn't trade it!

  7. Sounds is nice to connect with others who have been or are on the same journey as you.

  8. Sounds like a great weekend. So glad you were able to coordinate it!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful and prayerful weekend. The chapel looks amazing. I hope you will do this again (but maybe a little further south).
