

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas???

I have to admit I don’t get the whole Black Friday shopping event.  Yes, the prices are good if you can get the items.  But, it seems to me the stores only stock so many and if you really want that thing you are going to have to commit a bit of time and discomfort standing in line waiting to get into the store at some ungodly hour.   That’s time that could be spent with family and friends or sleeping in my warm and comfortable bed.  There isn’t any “thing” I want that badly.

When I saw the headlines on Drudge over the last few days I really have to wonder what Christmas gift giving has become.  I find these all truely frightening.

A few days before Thanksgiving, after a number of discussions, our family decided to forgo gift giving this year with two exceptions – stocking stuffers and presents for baby Sara.  It seems to add a lot of unneeded stress trying to figure out the perfect gift for the person who has everything they want or need.

When I looked at the calendar a little over a week ago I panicked mildly that it was only 40 days until Christmas.  It felt like I had so much to do with all the shopping and cooking and cleaning that needs to be done before the big day.  Taking present shopping off the “To do” list has been extremely liberating.



  1. I couldn't agree more about Black Friday! I've done it once and it wasnt too terrible but it's def not something that has to be done and so I've opted out!

    The other thing that makes me sad is that Black Friday is now starting ON thanksgiving....I really wish they wouldn't do that. I had too many family members talking about their plans to go out shopping after thanksgiving dinner. :/ Def takes away from family time and the reason for thanksgiving if you ask me!

  2. I also don't like the whole black Friday thing. I can see how it might be fun if you have the right attitude. I'd much prefer sitting on my couch reading a book and putting in the house. I love that your family isnt giving gifts! Aahhh. That's why I love thanksgiving- it's like Christmas without gifts!

  3. Oh, I made my trip to Kohls to get a few household items (Towels, Pyrex Dishes, Gloves). Also, to the pet store for 30% off dog food.

    We finally said "NO" to presents this year. Well, that's not true...we give gifts to 18 kids (well, we need to cut the two oldest off in my opinion...21 and 20)...and then off course do our share of Christmas sharing with all of our favorite local charities.

  4. Yay! We are not doing gift giving either, we told our families that we want to spend quality time with them on Christmas for food, games, and watching It's a Wonderful Life. DH and I are not even getting gifts for each other, we are planning date days for one another. I feel much less stressed and ready to experience Advent :)
