

Thursday, November 15, 2012

40 days

Have you looked at the calendar lately?  Thanksgiving is next week, Advent follows right behind it, and Christmas sneaks in right around the corner.  Uggh!  Christmas is only forty, yes, count them, four – oh, days away.

I started putting one of my infamous lists/plans together to get my head wrapped around what needs to be done before the big day.  I need to make baby Sara her stocking.  There’s gifts and cards to buy and lots of cleaning to do. 

Only 40 days!

I need to plan the menu and figure out my fashion statement for the day.  And decorations; we need those too.

40 days?

But what about spiritual preparation?  That wasn’t on the list and it should be.

Christ spent 40 days in the dessert preparing for his death.  How will I spend the next forty preparing for his birth?

What are you doing to prepare for Christmas?



  1. I have been trying hard to get things done in advance this year -- although I have to admit it was nice being off last November and December, so I got so much done! We have our annual religious articles sale this weekend at church. I'm getting our Christmas cards and I will start them ASAP (I started a spreadsheet last year to make it easier). I also started Christmas shopping a few weeks ago. I love this time of year!

  2. Good question! Thanks for getting me thinking about it. Really only 40 days, huh?

  3. You are my reminder (and kick in the pants) to do more spiritual preparation. I am amazed too! 40 days?!?!??

  4. Thanks for the reminder! I need to focus on Jesus. Nothing else matters..

  5. Building up our savings, so we don't suffer the financial hangover.

  6. Yikes! Really 40 days? Christmas season is always so stressful but you also reminded me how important it is to make time to meditate on the true meaning of the season and the holiday.

  7. Still in the planning stages and wondering how I can pare down without losing all the meaning. Hmmm. Thanks for getting me jump started!
