

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sew long

We're in the midst of a home redecorating project, one that should have been long done. I am trying to find something for which to be grateful during this long time of waiting.

I suppose the first is the most obvious. We are doing it. We are making that room, the living room, our own. No more of the previous owners' decorating choices, none of their color picks, grace the walls and soon the floors. We are doing it to our tastes and enjoying being creative in the decisions we are making.

It has taught me patience, more than I want at this time, but patience nonetheless. In March I ordered fabric for our new curtains and it should have arrived sometime mid-April. But, it apparently was on a slow boat from China (no, really it was) and got delayed in customs. So, it arrived in the middle of May, right about the same time I got my much mulch. Outdoor chores had to take priority. And then there was the carpet. Don't get me started. Not now. The carpet, that's a topic for whole other post.

Another post. This whole decorating project has given my slightly empty head much fodder for future posts. I suppose that, too, is something for which to be grateful.


1 comment:

  1. Love decorating posts!!! Can't wait to see how your project turns out!
