

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quick Takes (25) - Outdoor edition

The weather here has been spectacular – for the middle of March, for Spring, and just in general.  I’ve been able to leave the door open at night and enjoy falling asleep to soft breezes and waking up to the songs of a lot of happy birds.

And because the weather has been so great, I’ve been able to get a jump start on yard work.  We have a lot of gardens that need a lot of clean up and TLC.  I am much farther along than I would have expected to be at this time.  It's nice to be able to get ahead a bit and not feel pressured to get everything done now.

It’s good to be able to get ahead on yard chores as I have a lot of new projects planned for us.  There are some shrubs in the front of the house, that we often refer to as “Cousin It”, that have gotten out-of-control big.  So big, in fact, that they cover half of the sidewalk!  Out they are going to be replaced by something that hopefully grows at a much slower rate.

It’s time to start thinking about what we are going to be planning in our newly expanded vegetable garden.  Of course we’ll plant the traditional tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets and potatoes.  Any suggestions?  We are hoping to can, freeze, pickle or preserve much of what we grow.

In order to expand the vegetable garden, there’s a bit of yard we need to reclaim.  The previous owners planted, and we tried to continue, a wildflower meadow.  I use that term loosely as it’s really become just a big mass of weeds.  So, weather permitting, I’ll be burning it all down soon.   I can’t wait.  Check back for pictures of the big burn.

We had visitors this week.  On our roof.  Yep.  A pair of geese have been visiting regularly.  On the roof.  Huh?  So strange.  And so loud.  They seem to want to make sure we know that they are there.  We do.

“A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed; but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttle-fish.”
– GKC inThe Man Who Was Thursday


  1. HI Donna, I've enjoyed reading some of your lovely reflections as I've been browsing your blog. Thank you sharing your insights.
    God bless:)

  2. I started some garden seeds this weekend; our friends down the street are making some raised beds and I am wondering if we might try that too in our side yard. We do have our big garden, but it is often so chaotic and hard to week. So maybe...the raised beds would solve that.
