

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick Takes (2)

- 1-
Sleep.  It's not over-rated.  When I don't get enough it really messes with my day, with my life.  I'm cranky and irritable and I treat my body like yuck, filling it with caffeine to keep it going and bad foods to sooth myself.  I don't know how new mothers do it, I really don't.

- 2-
I'm 22 days into my 30 day challenge and it's going okay.  If you didn't read in the last quick takes, I'm trying to go 30 days without coffee and my habitual stop at Micky D's for breakfast on the way to work.  I've almost given in on the coffee a couple of times after some bad nights sleep, but I managed to resist.  And it seems to be pays off.  I'm eating better and saving some money, and to top it off, I've lost 2 pounds!
- 3-
If you haven't done so already, check out Sarah's auction.  She and her DH are so close to raising all the funds needed for their upcoming adoption.  There are some really neat things there.  Bid, bid, bid! 

- 4-
I can't go too long without putting a picture of my puppy on here.  In spite of the rain last Saturday, Jack decided we still needed our morning walk.  So walk we did.  And we got a shower at the same time! 

- 5-
This Tuesday is March 15th, which is the date the buzzards traditionally return to Hinkley.  People are at the park by dawn, binoculars in hand, trying to be the first to spot one of these large birds.  There's a party, the local news is there, one of the high school bands sometimes shows up, and there's a pancake breakfast.   Have you ever seen a buzzard?  They are ugly.  What's to celebrate?!

- 6-
In spite of the 5-10 inches of snow predicted for tonight and tomorrow, Spring is right around the corner, isn't it?

- 7-
When you can't think of one more quick take, quote GK Chesterton:
“One of the chief uses of religion is that it makes us remember our coming from darkness, the simple fact that we are created.”The Boston Sunday Post, 1/16/21

Don't forget to check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

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