

Friday, March 1, 2019

First Photo: March 2019

There's a saying we use around here - wait five minutes and the weather will change.  That seems to describe February.  Up until yesterday, the falls were solid ice this week.  And that's because we had some warm weather last weekend and turned the water on.  The temperature fell quickly and froze it over in just a couple of hours.

The scenery changed in just minutes today, too.  When I came home from my outing, there was a migration of Grackles going through the area.  Some were checking out the falls and others feasted on the suet on the shepherd's hook.



  1. I know what you mean. We can have all 4 seasons in one day here. Grackles are neat visitors! I love to look for rare birds hidden among them (rusty blackbirds) and the raucous they make is always entertaining.

  2. Wow what a difference a day makes...or hours! We have had a lot of rain this winter so it has been nice to have something different than the socal sun. We even had leaves change color and fall starting in October/November rather than going from green to brown in December/January! I felt like I was enjoying a small part of a midwest autumn :)
