

Sunday, January 21, 2018

TToT(19): Jumping Back In

I knew it's been a while since I did one of these, but I was surprised to see that it has been well over a year.  Jumping back in. . . .

one: Yesterday's high temp and today's forecasted one are in the forties.  That feels like a heat wave after weeks where we have been lucky to hit twenty.
two:  Since the Hairy Beast still insists on walk, no mater how cold it is, I found these thermal long johns are a life saver.  I may or may not have acquired them in four different colors.

three: I have been cooking more since we've been mostly housebound.  We canned cherries last summer and they made the best filling for crepes.
four: Speaking of cooking, the crock pot has been getting used a lot.  I've got stew in it now and earlier in the week we had ribs.  So easy and so good.

five: I have been reading a lot more lately.  Last year, my Goodreads goal was forty books and I think I surpassed that by four or five.  If I keep up the pace, this year I should do even better than that.  I bought myself a kindle last year and love it.  Our library system has an electronic section and I have been reading things I might not have otherwise.

six: We cut the cable cord back in November.  Our cable company is now requiring that we use an interface box for which they were eventually going to charge us.  We only had basic, over the air cable which we now get via antennas.  The same stations, but free.  Got to love that.

seven:  I have felt like I lost my mojo writing here.  So, I decided to get a Jumpstart on writing more regularly by creating a linkup.  I am so grateful for the ladies that joined in with me.  Being accountable for getting the link out there each week has been helpful.  And, reading what everyone has written has been enjoyable.

eight:  I needed a calendar for my office at work and was trying to find one I really liked.  On a business trip a week or so ago, a coworker gave me a belated Christmas gift - a calendar from the local animal rescue.  And a week before that, I won one from the local quilt shop.  An embarrassment of riches!

nine: I recently got hooked on the TV show Rizzoli and Isles. I was getting the DVDs from the library, but they didn't have all the seasons. When I searched online for the show, Hulu had it and they had a month trial for free.  Once I finished that series, I started watching The Librarians.  What a fun show!   It's like Harry Potter for adults.

ten: And mostly, I am thankful for the hundreds of thousands of people that showed up for the March for Life this past Friday.  My guess is that if you watched network news, you probably never knew it happened.  But it did.  Check out the time lapse video

Check out more goodness at


  1. Welcome back!
    I think more and more people are cutting the cable cord. We just recently purchased an over-the-air antenna, too.

    1. Thank you for the welcome! I wish we would have done it sooner. Though a few channels don't always come in, I don't miss it at all.

  2. Nice thankful list. We love The Librarians, be sure to check out the 3 movies they made prior to the series starting.

    1. Thanks! A coworker mentioned the movies and she has a copy of them all. I can see what I'll be watching on the next blizzardy weekend.

  3. An excellent list, thank you. It always makes me smile to read these lists and rejoice in the good fortunes of others.

    1. What a beautiful attitude, to rejoice in others' good fortunes!

  4. Welcome back!
    (If you enjoy the TV series but have not tried the (one or two) Librarian movies, I can recommend them. Quite enjoyable.
    Won't be much longer before spring (I remind myself each day.)

    1. Thank you! Apparently there are three Librarian movies. I'll either be borrowing them from a coworker or getting them from the library, soon. So many people have mentioned them when I said what I have been watching.

      It hit sixty today, so we had a nice reminder that, yes, it will get warmer. Just not soon enough for me!

  5. Hi Donna! I was delighted to see you joining us this week! It is easy to get out of the habit of blogging, and I always miss it when I do. I'm making a renewed effort this year as well.

    I do a lot of crockpot cooking, especially in the winter, too. Soups and stews are wonderful comfort food. I know I'd love thermals in a rainbow of colors, and I'm sure they come in mighty handy if out walking furkids.

    I would love to cut the cable at our house, an expensive load of "stuff" that really isn't all that uplifting. But I haven't convinced the Papa Bear... yet. He does like to read though, so we don't have tv on as often as we once did, and when I am home alone in the daytime it is never on, I much prefer the quiet. All the little budget hits count up quickly, piece by piece I'm finding ways around them too!

    I'll have to go and see what your linkup is about. I am the coordinator for TToT and I participate in a few others, it helps me stay more active in the blogsphere and I meet awesome new people that way!

    I have friends who have attended the March for Life and they've told me what a wonderful experience it is. Yay for those who know life is sacred!!

    Josie Two Shoes ~ Ten Things of Thankful

    1. Thank you for the lovely welcome!

      Himself would have gotten rid of cable quite a while ago. He watches so little TV that when I was out of town and the deadline for switching to the cable boxes came and went, he never noticed that the TV wasn't working. I was the one that insisted on keeping it and now I am so glad that it is gone.

      Some year I'll make it to the march. But, my prayers are always with them!

  6. Those cherry crepes look delicious.
    You'll soon have a calendar for every room. :-)
    Thermal long johns really take the edge off on those chilly days. They also help a little in calming aches and pains.
    I don't watch a lot of TV, but I have seen some of the Librarians and like them.

  7. I watch the msn as it is called and I knew.

    Harry Potter is for adults, but this Librarians show sounds intriguing.
