

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jump Start (1): We All Write For Some Reason

When I was twelve years old or so, I wanted to be a writer.  I read constantly and loved that books could transport me to different times and places.  I wanted to create that, too.  I even started writing my first “novel”.  It was a story about a young girl with many siblings.  They lived in a large log cabin in the woods, ordered all their clothes and household goods from the Sears catalog, and were home schooled.  I think I might still have those pages torn from a spiral notebook.
A few years later, in a high school English class, we had to write a poem about something  in our life.  I put my heart and soul into that poem.  When the teacher had us each read our poems out loud to the class, I refused.  It was just too personal.
I think that poem taught me that words had power.  They had significance and could be lasting.  You use words to tell a story, capture history, save a memory.  We still read Chesterton, Augustine and Plato.  What they had to say is timeless.  It still makes sense today.
When I started this blog seven years ago, I wanted to let women dealing with infertility know that they could find truth, beauty and goodness in life whether they had children or not.   That was then.  But what about now?
I really had to stop and think why I still write here.  In many ways, blogging seems to be a dying art.  Why keep at it?  And I think it came down to this – words are important.  I still want to find truth, beauty and goodness in life.  I want to capture little glimpses of that.  I want to remind myself that no matter what is going on – goofy politics, natural disasters, horrible crimes, or just the everyday struggles – there is something more, something worth remembering.
And, that is why I write.


  1. When all else is gone, stories often remain. Thank you for blogging and for doing this link up!

  2. I am so glad you started writing and that you live in my 'real life' now, too (not just in my computer)! Your initial reason for blogging certainly gave me hope that no matter what there was a good life to be lived. For that, I will forever be grateful.

    Now, yes - words are important. I am so glad you are here and still writing!

  3. I hope you finish your novel someday! It sounds like a fun read :) I am glad you are still writing and like Rebecca I found so much inspiration from your story that even though infertility is part of your story it is not THE story. Thanks again for doing this link up!

  4. I love this, that words have power. It is so true, and important to use them in the right way. I'm glad you are doing a link up like this!
