

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

WIP(#8) - Garden Goodies

The man standing in his own kitchen-garden, with fairyland opening at the gate, 
is the man with large ideas.
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics

The gardens and yard have been a joy this year.  It may have taken us a dozen or so years to figure out what it takes to keep it up, but we learned.  Slowly.  It's been fun to wander out, pick a spot, and futz.  There are any number of jobs that need to be done.  I've spent more than a few evenings recently watering and weeding and deadheading spent blooms.  

Last night the Hummingbirds weren't too happy as I tended to the area around the butterfly bush. They buzzed my head trying to shoo me away.  That made me want to stay even more, to be near this flurry of flying energy.  What a treat!

We are beginning to see the fruits of our labor, literally.  Tomatoes and peppers are ripening and are ready for picking.  They are as pretty as they are delicious.

Taking care of the gardens, and fairlyland, has truly been a labor of love!


1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos. Gardening is so good for body and soul.
