

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Prayer Buddies and Lent Ideas

Yikes!  Where did this month go?  I just looked at the calendar and realized Lent starts in less than 10 days.  Ten days, people!!
I haven't given much thought, yet, to what I want to do.  The food thing seems to be out since I'm already doing most of what I would have done for general health reasons - no sugar, no alcohol, limited gluten.  I'm open to suggestions.
- Maybe give up some TV?  Notice I said some TV.  All would be just talkin' crazy.
- Read something other than fiction?  I've had Everything is Grace, Mother Angelica Her Grand Silence, City of Saints, and Into Your Hands, among others, sitting on my bookshelf, unread, for quite a while now.
Two things I am definitely doing for this Lent are:
- Bishop Barron's Lenten Daily Reflections.  You can sign up here.
- Prayer Buddies.  Details are below.
During Lent, you can say prayers, novenas, and rosaries, light candles, and offer up suffering for your secret Prayer Buddy and whatever intentions he or she specifies.  On Easter, or shortly thereafter, you will let your assigned person who you are and how you remembered them.

Those interested in participating, please email me at:
I will need from you is:
Your first name or first initial
Your blog address (or email address if you are not a blogger)
Your intentions
Your full name
Your address
(Address can be provided if your Prayer Buddy plans to send you a small remembrance at Easter)
DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UPS IS: Monday, February 27th.



  1. I have got to give up TV. I may watch a little on Sunday, but I think it would be really good to cut it out otherwise. We'll see! I can't believe that we're just over a week away from Lent.

  2. Clutter cleanup. Donate/toss 40 items in 40 days.

  3. I did an entire social media and nearly entire TV fast (I limited myself to 1 hour of TV per night) a couple of years ago.

    It was HARD - but also fruitful. I did puzzles and read books and enjoyed the extra time spent outdoors when the weather was nice. It also had such a fruitful impact on my prayer life.

    I'm still mulling around what to do this year, but I'm thinking it may be drastic like the above once again.
