

Friday, April 29, 2016

Photo Blogging Challenge (April 2016): Vibrant
At the beginning of the month we took a trip down to Tennessee to visit family.  Our timing was perfect.  We left gray, cold, snowy weather and drove into sunshine and landscapes green and lush with spring flowers - just right for this month's Vibrant challenge. 
We ended the month by tackling our burn pile.  Finally, the dead River Birch was dry enough to catch.  We also had last year's Christmas tree on the pile, and just two flicks of the lighter, things were crackling. 
To see more, visit A 'lil Hoohaa


  1. Beautiful photos!
    I have irises all over the yard, all growing, but not one has a stem let alone a bloom. (They always bloom the first week of May.) I think I confused them when I broke them up and moved them last summer. Crossing my fingers for next year...

  2. Lovely photos! I especially love the scene in the second last photo, just beautiful and serene. :)

  3. wonderful post. wonderful photos. I need some inspiration to get take my camera for a walk!

  4. Those are definitely some fantastic and vibrant photos! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like the colors you captured for April and the theme really comes shining through. That first photo is wonderful. I always like seeing water on flowers, too. Nicely done!
