

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wonder Doubled: In Dependence Dei

We have a new post up at the USCCB website For Your Marriage.

We were interviewed for a video to be given to our friends, Socrates and Sophia, on their wedding day over a decade ago.  Married couples were asked what advice they would give to the soon-to-be newlyweds.  We later received a copy of the video and heard the responses of the many couples who were interviewed.  Most gave sincere wishes for happiness and the usual uncontroversial observations were offered.  Donna and I laughed when we saw our interview.

We sounded like helicopter parents preparing their kids to leave home for the first time. “Look both ways before you cross the altar.  Don’t be selfish, remember to share with the others.  Behave yourselves, someone is always watching.  Don’t be afraid, you’re not alone.”  What we really were saying was, marriage is hard.  It is a mature decision.  Donna often says marriage is the best and the hardest thing she has ever done.  I agree; it’s been very hard on her!  Look both ways before you cross the altar.

You can read the whole article here.


1 comment:

  1. How sad that you are the only ones still married.
    You gave the newlyweds very good advice.
