

Friday, March 20, 2015

Socks – A Sign of Good Things to Come

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I sat down to put on my socks.  Jack got up from where he was laying on the floor watching me.  His tail was wagging so hard his hind quarters were swaying as if he was on a dance floor.  He was doing his happy dance.

Oh, he was happy.  He was excited.  You see, to him, when I put on my socks, it means we are going for a walk.  He is going to get to smell something new and mark trees and mail boxes and fence posts.  Something good was going to happen.

Unfortunately, for both of us, socks today meant I was going to work and not for a walk.  He’ll get his walk when I get home.
Lately, my "socks" has been the weather forecast.  Seeing a prediction of fifty rather than fifteen reminds me that Spring is on the way, a very good thing.  The flowers will bloom and the trees will bud and the harsh winter will be only a distant memory.

Sunshine, warm weather, and flowers makes me do my happy dance.  How about you?  What makes you dance?



  1. I've been enjoying the signs of spring as well! My cats are shedding a lot now which doesn't make me do a happy dance but it tells me the days are getting longer and warmer! hmmm....I think waking up to birds singing makes me happy and since I'm not much of a morning's a good thing to hear the birds!

  2. "As I was getting ready for work this morning, I sat down to put on my socks. Jack got up from where he was laying on the floor watching me. His tail was wagging so hard his hind quarters were swaying as if he was on a dance floor. He was doing his happy dance."

    Just for clarification, Jack is the dog!
