

Monday, August 4, 2014

How have you "bean"?

Thanks for asking!  I've "bean" doing well.

We have spent a lot of time in the garden this year and it shows.  We learned the hard way last year that if we let the weeds get out of control the harvest is less and it is much more difficult to get at.  We are starting to enjoy the fruits of our labor, literally.

We have one long row of beans.  The green, pole beans are in front and the yellow, wax beans are behind that.  The pole beans have a way to go before they are ready to harvest, but we have had a couple of big pickings from the wax already and I anticipate more soon.

We are eating well now and will this winter with the five pounds I have already put up.  Yum!



  1. Don't even mention weeds! Those stinkers have taken over my landscaping...I just try to pull as many each help keep control. More this year than ever!!

  2. Wow!! You guys are master gardeners! There's just something so beautiful about a bountiful garden. :)

  3. I love green beans, so I'm jealous of your fresh ones!
