

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Photo - January

Something I've been wanting to do for a long time is to pick a location a take a regular picture of it.  I want to see how it changes throughout the year and throughout the seasons. 

I knew whatever I decided to photograph had to be something easily accessible.  We have some great county parks around here but getting to them on a specific date isn't always feasible.  So, I decided that the easiest picture to take regularly is right in my backyard.  And, for me, the easiest way to remember to take it is on the first of every month.  Hence - First Photo.

The tree on the hill is a Linden tree.  It took a friend of ours with his tree manual to figure that out for us.

For us, it's a tree of some significance.  We have had picnics under it.  It sits near our vegetable garden and has provided a place of shade and rest after planting, weeding and harvesting.  It's a great place to just sit and watch the world go by.  It's also a wonderful place to say a prayer.

You're welcome to join me in First Photo.  If anyone is interested, I can do one of those linky things. 



  1. Hmmm, I like this idea! There is a tree in the cemetary down the road from our house that I love. It would only require a walk to the end of the street.

  2. What a great idea! And you've picked a perfect tree for the job. :)

  3. I love the idea, and I love your chosen subject! I can't wait to see how it changes through the year!
