

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cleaning out the closet - free dresses

I've got more clothes than any one person should have.  Actually, I probably have more than several people should have.  But I wear just a very small number of them.  I'm on a mission to clean out my closet and get it down to only the clothes I actually wear and really love.

In search of the perfect sweater dress I bought these two a couple of years ago.  They are both just a bit short on me; I'm 5' 9" and they come just above my knees.  I wore the black one just once and the gray one not at all, but I couldn't return it.

They are free to a good home.  If you want one or both, email me at donna1164 at gmail dot com with your address and I'll pop them in the mail to you.

Spence Woman, charcoal gray, size 1X

Coldwater Creek, black, size XL(18)


  1. That's very kind. But I don't look that good in black.

  2. Michael-
    You could get away with the color,
    it's filling up the top where
    you'd come up short!

  3. Hmmm? The only two people responding to this are guys. If I didn't know you better I might be worried!
