

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday (6)

Today I am thankful for. . .

Snow tires.  Winter finally hit here, complete with wickedly cold temperatures, biting winds, and snow.  The car I normally take to work has rear wheel drive, which leaves a lot to be desired on slick roadways.  One day after work last week I couldn’t make it up the hill of our driveway.  The next day Himself went out and had snow tires put on the back wheels.  Now we get up that hill without the slightest hesitation!

Oven with a temperature probe.  When we replaced the range last year, my prime requirement was that it had a double oven.  The warming drawer really comes in handy when we have large gatherings.  An unexpected bonus was the probe.  Plug one end into the meat, the other into the oven, and program the desired internal temperature.  What you get is one perfect tenderloin roast.  Yummy!

Books.  Now that the holidays are coming to a close and the preparations have been completed, I have some time to sit back and relax.  I have found a few new authors that I have been enjoying.  I curl up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea and read away the afternoon.

Digital Photography.  For as long as I can remember I’ve always been interested in taking pictures.  On a trip I took way back when, I used over two dozen rolls of film.  The cost of processing that really adds up.  Plus, you have to wait to see the results of your work.  Digital provides instant gratification – did the picture come out or not or do I need to take another?    Plus I can snap, snap, snap to my heart’s content and it doesn’t cost me a cent more.

Check out more to be thankful for at The Road Home.


1 comment:

  1. The oven temp probe sounds lovely! Perhaps I could cook better! Lol I'm glad for digital photography too! I sure don't miss paying for all that film. :-)
