

Monday, January 16, 2012

A great day of a different kind

By all accounts, this weekend could probably be considered a bust.  But I think it’s just the opposite – good, just in a different sort of way.

The middle of last week we had unseasonably warm weather in our area with highs in the 40s and 50s.  On Friday, however, the bottom fell out and the temperature dropped into the teens, the winds blew ferociously and the snow piled up.

That morning our furnace started making funny noises so I stayed home from work to call the repair service.  Since it was still working, we set the appointment for Tuesday afternoon.

Apparently, it was worse than we had anticipated.  When Jack and I returned from our Sunday morning walk in the sunny, but frigid, 14 degrees, the furnace was sounding worse than ever.  In a horrible, loud, screeching way, it died.

We waited for the repairman to make an early, albeit unscheduled, visit.  And as we figured, the motor seized up and needed to be replaced.  Ah, the joys of home ownership!  Since motors aren’t something they normally stock in their truck, the repair had to wait until today.  Until then, no heat.

The house stayed pretty tolerable throughout most of the day, but as the sun went down, so did the temp inside.   We put up a blanket between the kitchen and living room and lit a fire.  I curled up under a blanket, sipped some hot tea, and finished the latest James Patterson book as Himself read his latest download on the Kindle nearby.  It was a relaxing, cozy, peaceful sort of Sunday.

Just what I needed.

I’ve been feeling a bit stressed out always leaving home to go to work, go to church, go to one store or another or run some errand.  I’ve been craving a day where I didn’t need to get into the car and go someplace.  So, when the furnace died, I got my second home day of an unexpected long weekend.

Wasn’t that great?!



  1. What a wonderful unexpected blessing!

    Hope you're staying warm!

  2. Yes, I agree with JB. What a wonderful unexpected blessing to what good have been a really frustrating experience.

  3. You can certainly see the positive in this! :-) Our furnace died in the middle of winter a few years ago too, and boy was it cold! I'm glad you got some relax time, all cuddled up with a book.
