

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday (4)

* Time.  Being unemployed has its benefits.  I have time to do things I didn't before.  My sister was in a crunch as she was leaving for a long needed vacation and I was able to help.  Hopefully she and my brother-in-law are enjoying themselves in warmer climates.

* The Internet.  Job hunting is so, so much easier now.  No more searching the newspapers, mailing cover letters and resumes, and waiting, hoping for a phone call.  Post your resume and they will come. 

* Friends.  Saturday afternoon a good friend, C, came over for dinner.  We sat and talked for almost five hours, about everything and anything - faith, politics life.  It was uplifting and invigorating.  And I can't wait to do it again!

Reminders.  Someone I know had the picture below on her Facebook page.  I like it.

Check out more to be thankful for at The Road Home.


  1. Oh my gosh! The last picture/phrase ... I have to borrow that! It hits home.

  2. Great reminder to thank the good Lord above for his abundant blessings!

  3. Thanks for joining in.

    Wow, how beautifully poignant that quote is. I have much to be thankful for. :).
