

Friday, July 22, 2011

Quick Takes (12)

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We went to see the latest, and last, Harry Potter movie last night.  They did a tremendous job with it.  Walking out of the theater it felt like we had said goodbye to some friends.  It's been a treat, each year, to be able to look forward to the latest installment of their lives.  We saw it in 3D, a first for me.  I can't say it was worth whatever extra money they may have charged for it.

JKR did a brilliant job writing those books.  Whether intended or not, there are so many parallels to the passion and resurrection of Christ.  Harry had to die so others might live.  There is a scene that reminded me of Christ praying at Gethsemane.  Also, there is life after death, eluding to the resurrection.

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Last Sunday we went to a local art show.  As it is every year that we have gone, it was a scorcher of a day.  But the collection of artists they had didn't disappoint.  Far from it.  There were so many beautiful things that, if money were no object, we would have some home with far more than we needed.  We did bring home this lovely little hand-turned wooden vase.  Now we have no excuses for having fresh flowers in the house.  It only takes a few to make a simple and beautiful arrangement.

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I have been reading reading Searching For the King by David C Downing.  If you are a fan of CS Lewis, Tolkien, or Arthurian legend, this is the book for you.  I have been having a hard time putting it down.  It's a great story with interesting characters and compelling discussions on Christianity and faith.  I really want to get it done before the GKC conference as I think it'll probably end up often as a topic of discussion.

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Speaking of the GKC conference, is anybody going?  The more I learn about the speakers, the more excited I get about going.

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A website I regularly check out is American Thinker.  All the writers are great, but one of the regulars, Robin of Berkeley, often has some very insightful articles.  Her latest is definitely worth reading. 

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It's been hot here.  I mean really hot.  Mid to upper 90s, high humidity, just standing in place sweating hot.  But it's summer.  It's supposed to be.  Too many people are complaining about it.  And in six months those same people will be complaining about the cold. 

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“The only object of liberty is life.”
 – Irish Impressions  GK Chesterton
Don't forget to check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I live in Georgia, and it's hot here, too. I am looking forward to fall weather ... the sooner, the better.

    Love the wooden vase ... I have a collection of vases, and love finding different ones.
