

Friday, June 17, 2011

Quick Takes (9)

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Wow!  I feel good today - happy, content, grateful.  I'm not sure why.  There's a number of reasons to be grumpy.  I slept lousy last night.  I've had PMS for a week.  I had a long drive this morning.  Maybe I'm feeling this way becuase it's Friday.  Or because I had a great walk with Jack this morning.  I don't know why, all I know is Life is Good.

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If you're looking for something to do in August and can either travel or live near St. Louis, think about attending the Chesterton conference.  We went last year for the first time and it was awesome.  Be prepared to be entertained, to be educated, to meet the nicest and most interesting people, and just plain have a good time.  Information is at their site

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This is probably old news, but have you read about the dad who gave his son the ultimate send off each morning?  What started out as an embarassment to the son seemed to have turned into something that really united the family.  Funny how that works!

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We're expecting!  Baby Bluebirds that is.  We've had bluebird boxes in the yard for years.  The birds have nested a couple of times but critters have gotten the eggs before they hatched.  After that the birds seemed to have ignored the box until this year.  Mom and dad, Bluebell and Barney, seem to be really attentive to the eggs in the box.  Here's hoping we have successful hatching.

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If you want to see some really awesome nature pictures, check this link out.  Getting these pictures is such a combination of good timing and dogged persistance.  Usually I have neither. 

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DH and I had "date night" last night.  We went out for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  It was good to sit and chat and let someone else take care of us.  Sometimes I think we don't do that enough - let someone take care of us
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“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”
 – GK Chesterton The Everlasting Man, 1925 

Don't forget to check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had date night with your man!

    Thanks for sharing the Chesterton quote!

    {Here via conversiondiary}
