

Friday, May 20, 2011

Quick Takes (6)

- 1-
Rain, rain, go away.  Don't come back 'til after May!  To say we've had a lot of rain is an understatement.  Only hafway through May and we're already an inch and a half above average.  And more is predicted in the coming week.  It seems like it's all everyone can talk about.  Lawns aren't getting mowed.  Fields aren't getting planted.  And people are really cranky.  Really.

- 2 -
In spite of the precipitation, Dad and I made it out to Cedar Point on Tuesday.  We can now say summer has officially started, for us.  Because of the wind a lot of rides didn't open, but it was a perfect day for me anyhow.  We rode my favorite, Millenium Force, three times.  I love that ride.  It's fast.  It's smooth.  And it makes me giggle.

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Much mulch.  That's what I have.  I had five yards delivered yesterday that I need to start spreading.

- 4 -
Has anyone seen my green folder?  I can't find it for anything.  It's got all my writings and poems from grade and high schools.  There's no way I would have thrown it out.  I am so bummed about loosing it.  If you think of it, say a prayer to St Anthony for me.

- 5 -
Does anyone make lists?  I always have some sort of "to do" list going.  It's either for the day, the week, or like now, for vacation.  I'm finding this habit to be both good and bad.  It's good in that I have a memory like an iron sieve, I am pretty forgetful.  There's the sense of accomplishment when I cross something off it.  On the bad side, it reminds me of all the things that I had wanted to do but didn't get done.  Maybe I just shouldn't make them so long.

- 6 -
Do any of you use GPS?  Isn't it great?!  When we bought our car a couple of years ago we really didn't want it, but they threw it in for free.  One long road trip and we were hooked.  We even named it.  It's Christy, for St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers.  It really came in handy on Tuesday.  There was a bridge out on our normal route out to Cedar Point and we needed to take a detour.  Christy to the rescue!

- 7 -
“No sceptical philosopher can ask any questions that may not equally be asked by a tired child on a hot afternoon.”
George Bernard Shaw by GK Chesterton

Don't forget to check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Have a great weekend!

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