

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Blog Jump Start

At the beginning of November I mentioned doing a jump start back to blogging link up.  It sounded like a few people might be interested, so let's give it a try.

Every Tuesday morning, I will publish the linkup.  I also created a tab up top with the topics so you don't have to hunt down this post.  If the topic of the week doesn't do it for you, write what does.

Week 1:  We all write for some reason.  What's yours?

Week 2:  Remember when?  Christmas is in a week.  What are some of your favorite memories?

Week 3:  Draft folder clean up.  We all have those unfinished posts that hide out in our draft folder, on scrap pieces of paper, or in Word documents.  Finish one up, now.

Week 4:  Guess who's coming to dinner?  Living or dead, who would you invite?

Week 5:  TBD  Any suggestions?

Week 6:  Clean up, take two.  Just like week three.  Again, again!

Let the writing begin, again!

PS. Week 1 will be December 12th.



  1. Love this! I'm not sure I'll be able to participate, but I can't wait to read what you all post. :)

  2. Cool! I will try and be on task with this :) I like the topics so far!

  3. I love this idea and am looking forward to participating!

    Here are some lists of blog prompts - there were too many to choose from for me, so I'll pass the big decision making on to you :):
