

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for. . .

Your prayers - When I told Aunt Paulette she had people praying for her all over the country, if not the world, she was really touched.  She underwent her second chemo treatment this week and is battling this with strength and grace, in no small part as a result of your prayers. 

Not sniffling - We battled nasty colds for almost three weeks.  I think I'm finally feeling human again. 

Himself and Michael - Their comments crack me up!

Warmer weather - We had a couple of days in the 50s and 60s here this week.  Breaks like that really help make the winter bearable.

Fridays - 'nuf said!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cleaning out the closet - free dresses

I've got more clothes than any one person should have.  Actually, I probably have more than several people should have.  But I wear just a very small number of them.  I'm on a mission to clean out my closet and get it down to only the clothes I actually wear and really love.

In search of the perfect sweater dress I bought these two a couple of years ago.  They are both just a bit short on me; I'm 5' 9" and they come just above my knees.  I wore the black one just once and the gray one not at all, but I couldn't return it.

They are free to a good home.  If you want one or both, email me at donna1164 at gmail dot com with your address and I'll pop them in the mail to you.

Spence Woman, charcoal gray, size 1X

Coldwater Creek, black, size XL(18)

Friday, January 25, 2013

No sweeter words

On my drive home from work today I called himself.   He asked how I was and responded with “I’m about 15 minutes from home and I'm grumpy.  What adult beverage do you have planned for me?

When I arrived, those 15 minutes later, a fire was roaring in the fireplace, my favorite wine was uncorked and breathing, and a plate of cheese and crackers a la Himself awaited.

We sipped wine, munched on the treats and chatted.  And we sat and enjoyed the warmth of the fire and each other’s company.  We were quiet and content.  The stress of the week melted away and I felt so peaceful.

Apparently Himself did as well.  He said to me, “This is what heaven is going to be like times a million.”

No sweeter words has he spoken to me!


It’s always something

I’ve been wanting to write something, I have a number of ideas floating through my mind.  But, lately, words seem to fail me.  I think it’s a combination of this wicked cold that has been hanging on now for several weeks and some intense thinking going on at work.    Not enough brain cells working to handle it all!

I’ve heard people say that, after the holidays, they are glad when things get back to normal.  I understand that.  After all the parties, rich food, and events that occur it is nice to get back in some sort of routine.  But, here, that just doesn’t seem to be happening. 

We had planned on going with Sis and BIL to court for Sara’s adoption finalization a week ago.  Instead, we sat at home nursing those darn colds that just wouldn’t go away. 

We had started taking down the Christmas decorations right after the Epiphany.  Much of it sat on tables and countertops waiting to be boxed up or was boxed up and waited to be put into the attic.  It finally made it to its destination early this week.  Alas, the Christmas china is still in the cupboard.  Guess that will be this weekend’s chore.

Both Sis and BIL had work obligations that kept them from home a couple of days this week.  Could we possibly watch Sara while they were gone?  Huh?  Do you have to ask???  What a joy it was to have her for those two days.  I can tell you, though, I am not used to having a baby in the house.  I am not really good at getting chores done and watching her at the same time.  And sleep?  Didn’t do much of that either.

So, in a babbling sort of way, what I’m trying to say is I’m not sure what getting back to normal is.  It just seems like it’s always something going on.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's a wild life

It was fifty-some degrees yesterday and sunny.  In January, in Ohio, how much better can it get?  Well, you could look out the window and see this.

I was lucky enough to see this one, but, not only did Himself see this beautiful eagle, he also saw what we are assuming is its mate.  Not a common site around here!


Monday, January 14, 2013

A Good Read: Maurice and Therese

Back in September Marie at Naru Hodo wrote about finding a book in her church’s library and reading it in two sittings.  Needless to say I was intrigued.  The book, Maurice and Thérèse: The Story of a Love, contains the letters exchanged between St. Thérèse of Lisieux and a young man hoping to become a missionary priest. 

When Maurice Belliere was struggling in the seminary he wrote to the Mother Superior of the Carmelite convent in Lisieux asking if one of the sisters could pray for him.  She chose Thérèse to do this and soon a deep spiritual friendship was born.  Maurice was deeply troubled by sins of his past and worried of his worthiness to pursue his vocation.  Thérèse encouraged him and reminded him of God’s unending mercy, love and forgiveness. 

Way back when, I chose St. Thérèse as my patron saint at confirmation and have read her autobiography recently, but I didn’t know these letters or this book existed.  The author/editor has included biographical information between the letters which eloquently fills in some of the history of both Thérèse’s and Maurice’s lives.

If you are looking for something good to read during Lent, this just might be the book.  Although it took me a few more than two sittings to read it, I found it to be an important read and one I am sure I will go back to again and again.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Resolutely setting goals

It seems this time of year is ripe for tackling self-improvement projects and making changes.  After all, doesn’t everyone make New Year’s resolutions?  Well, not me this year. 

When I make resolutions I don’t actually keep them, try as I might, even when they’re easy.  One year my only resolution was to start no new projects.  How hard could that be?  I didn’t have to do anything.  That was the point. 

One thing you’ll learn about me is that I tend to have a lot of irons in the fire.  A lot.  I like the thrill of starting something new, gathering the supplies and beginning the process.  So the goal for that year was just to finish what I had started. Ha!  Like that was going to happen. 

So instead of resolutions I’m going to set me some goals.  Some are serious, and others not so much.
Learn/relearn to crochet    My grandma taught me how several decades ago but I don’t remember a darn thing.  I’ve been itching to try something new so I bought a skein of some gorgeous teal blue yarn at Hobby Lobby to make a scarf or hat. 

Discover what restaurant serves the best Moscow Mule     Just because.

Be able to run 2 miles straight   I need to lose weight and get into shape.  At one time I could run twenty miles, so two doesn’t seem like so much.

Read more non-fiction/spiritual/historical fiction and less “candy” fiction   I love, love, love to read.  I think I went through about 40 books last year.  Almost all of them were fiction.  I really should read things that help improve my mind and faith, not just entertain me.  Any suggestions?

Meet at least one blogger this year    If you're willing.

Now that I’ve written these out, I’ve got to wondering.  What’s the difference between resolutions and goals?  And, is failing at one worse than failing at the other?

You know what?  Don’t answer that!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It wasn’t supposed to end like that

On New Year’s Eve, just a few hours before midnight, my mother-in-law called us.  If she was calling us that late, I just knew it had to be bad news.  And it was.

Himself’s aunt, Paulette Rose, had learned before Christmas that she had a reoccurrence of the lymphoma she had fought several years prior.  Late on New Year’s Eve she learned just how bad it is.  It is aggressive and has spread throughout her body - in her lymph nodes, neck, spleen and pelvis.  Instead of starting chemo today as planned at the hospital’s local satellite branch, she is being admitted for further testing and more intensive chemo.

This latest news has all of her family understandably rattled and upset.  She is scared and depressed. 

With only a thirteen year age difference, at times she was more like a sister than an aunt to Himself.  When I married into the family she truly welcomed me as one of the bunch.  We share the same love of sewing and crafts.  She is an incredibly special lady, mother to four daughters and grandmother to ten. 

Could you say a prayer for her?  Himself and I would so appreciate it.

St. Peregrine, pray for Paulette Rose!