

Friday, June 23, 2017

Are You a Whale?

A couple of weekends ago we were at Sis' house taking advantage of their pool.  BIL had just opened it up for the season.  As I came up from swimming the length of the pool underwater, Sara asked "Are you a whale?  You look like one."
I could have been insulted, being a lady of larger proportions.  But she continued with her observations. 
If you were a whale you would have to be an Orca or a Beluga.  They swim underwater and blow bubbles like you did.  You couldn't possibly be a Humpback because they swim in groups and circle other fish that they are trying to eat.  Yep, you are either an Orca or Beluga.
Interesting observations from an almost-five-year-old.  You can tell what she was learning in pre-school that week.
Next swim, I going for the Dolphin look!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Time Marches On

I look at the calendar and am amazed that we are two thirds of the way through June already.  It feels like it should only be sometime in May.
In a couple of weeks we are going to celebrate my niece and God-daughter's fifth birthday.  I remember Sis and BIL bringing her home from the hospital and now Sara is about to start kindergarten.
Again I look at the calendar and remember that twenty years ago today, I met the man with whom I would spend the rest of my life.  Who knew that spinning the “Lucky Number Wheel”  at the parish carnival would pay such great dividends? 
The invitation I received in the mail recently reminds me that my college thirty year reunion is coming up this weekend.  College, people, not high school.  And thirty years?  That can't be. 
There's no stopping time.  I'm not sure I would want to if I could.  But, I often wonder if I am using whatever time our good Lord has given me on this earth well. 
Do the things that I do, and not do, honor God, my family, my faith?  It's as simple and as complicated as that.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

WIP(#7) - Digging It

A friend posted this quote along with a picture of his adorable toddler on his Facebook and LinkedIn pages.  Two year old Sammy rocked the overalls.  Me?  I don't have the overalls, but I certainly have had the opportunities.

I got the last of the shrubs dug out and new ones, along with a Weeping Redbud tree, planted.  Hostas were split and transplanted and everything was mulched.

I'm happy that it's all done, but you know what?  As hard, and dirty, as this job was, it was fun!  I had an idea of what I wanted to do and it came out even better.  The sore muscles and loads of dirty laundry were definitely worth it.  More pictures to come.