

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last week. . .in pictures

I haven't had a lot to say lately, but I think that's about to change.  Until I do, here's this last week in pictures.

Thursday dad and I went out to Cedar Point.  We both have season passes and he's been there about eight or nine times this summer.  Me?  It was only my second trip out.  We had a great time.  They have a couple of web cams, so I called DH when we were near one and had him do a screen capture.  We're standing in about the center of the picture - me with an orange t-shirt and dark pants and dad with a white t-shirt and tan shorts.  DH got one when we were closer to the camera, but of course I was looking away - not a cooperative photo subject!

Me out walking with Jack.  He's the little spot chasing after me.

On the way home from our walk I heard a whooshing sound.  There was a hot air balloon trying in vain to gain altitude.  They ended up landing in a neighbor's yard.

Saturday morning breakfast on the patio.  What a great way to start the day!

Monday morning sunrise. . .what a great start to the week!

Monday, August 29, 2011

What do you say to that?

The office in which I work isn’t all that large.  Our “offices” consist of cubicles with half height walls and five foot wide desks.  Unless we whisper, we can pretty much hear everyone’s conversations.   

The other day two co-workers were having a non-work related conversation, about light bulbs, of all things, that morphed into environmentalism.  One then asked “Why bother?  The rapture is coming and a lot us will be taken up.  Who cares what’s left here on earth!”  As first I thought he was serious but he was in fact making fun of people who believe. 

And, it got better.  (Yeah, right!)

His next state was something to the effect of “Can you believe that 40% of people believe in creationism?  That’s all pretty stupid.  Maybe Darwinism will take over and they’ll all disappear.  But those that can’t think are breeding faster than we are.”

Wow!  What do I say to that?  Do I say anything?  I didn’t.  It wasn’t my conversation.  But I am now very aware of who sits near me. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I feel. . .

. . . the earth move under my feet!

I work on the 7th floor of an office building.  We either felt the earthquake that hit Virginia or one of the aftershocks.  I was listening to the Indians game on the radio and the announcers mentioned that the press box was swaying.  What a strange feeling!

How are all of you in the DC/Virginia area? 

Praying you are all safe!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This & that

Usually during my morning walks with Jack are a good time to think.  I tend to pull ideas together that end up forming some sort of coherent writing later on.  Not today.  My mind seems to be as foggy as the weather around me.  My thoughts took more detours, U-turns, twists and turns than roads under construction in Ohio summers. 


So, here are my ramblings. . .

* As I walked out the door I realized that I am ready for Fall.  That is, if we get a real autumn.  Often, in our neck of the woods, we go from the summer 80s and 90s to the deep fall, early winter 30s and 40s.  I love the crisp cool air in the mornings and all the brilliant colors of the trees.  And I am ready for garden clean up - neat, tidy plots of earth ready to sleep for the winter.  There is something calm and orderly about that.

* I think I'm ready to start a new project.  I usually have something going - sewing, quilting, weeding, jewelry making, a church project - but I realized I don't have anything at the moment.  I thought I might like the "quiet" time, but I guess I don't.  I feel idle, lazy and lost.

* As we were walking this morning I could smell the breakfast one of my neighbors was cooking.  It was wonderful.  I brought back memories of when I was a kid and we used to go to family camp every year.  As we'd walk from our cabins to the lodge where breakfast was served, we could smell the food they had prepared for us.   We'd greet the other campers and sing one of the many graces we knew before digging in.  Soon we'd find out what was in store for us that day, what activities were planned. 

* Near the end of our walk, I found a penny on the ground.  Pennies from heaven?   "Hi mom!" 

Monday, August 15, 2011

CATHOLICISM: U.S. Broadcast Premiere

Check this video out.  This looks like something I definitely do not want to miss.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday smiles - What I Need

When I was getting ready for our family picnic a couple of weeks ago, I put on a few of my favorite CDs to groove to as I cooked and cleaned.  Although I've heard this song any number of times, it really struck me that day.  Often our prayers do get answered, just not in the way we wanted or hoped.  Given some of the posts and conversations going on in the blog world, I thought this would be a great one to share.  Enjoy!

What I Need

I knew all the answers
The way my life should go
And when I used to say my prayers
I would tell God so
It seemed He wasn't listening
I thought He didn't care
But lookin' back
It's plain to see
He was always there

'Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

Every time I've had a door slammed in my face
In time a better one was opened in its place

I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

Oh I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

I'm not sayin' that it's easy
Or that it doesn't hurt
When nothing seems to go my way
Nothing seems to work
These days I'm getting better
At goin' with the flow
Accepting that sometimes the answer
To a prayer is no

'Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don't always get what I want
I get what I need

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quick Takes (14)

- 1-
I haven't had much inclination to write lately.  I think the last couple of weeks have caught up with me and I'm just plain tired.  No matter how much I sleep, getting up in the morning has been tough.  Thankfully today I was able to work from home while I wait for the oven repairman.  That afforded me a little extra time under the covers.

- 2 -
Two weekends ago we hosted a big family picnic.  I think it's safe to say everyone had a good time.  And it was great to be able to catch up with what's happening in people's lives.  My husband's family are all great cooks and bakers.  There was so much food left over, everyone took some home and I still didn't have to cook for a week!  Too bad I forgot to put the potato casserole in the oven until we went to eat.  But even worse, I forgot to take it out.  It was only slightly crispy!

me with DH's cousin's granddaughter
- 3 -
This past weekend we ventured to St Louis for the GK Chesterton conference.  I've had a lot cross my mind about the conference and I jotted a bunch of notes, I'm sure it's meant to be another post.  We met and reconnected with some awesome people and got to listen to some very interesting speakers.  One of the hi-lights, though, was something rather impromptu.  As there were several priests in attendance, a request was made for confessions.  It's not usually one of my favorite things to do, but after this experience I know it should be. 

- 4 -
One of the speakers at the conference was Leah Darrow, a previous contestant on America's Next Top Model.  It's actually something she is not exactly proud of, but it, at least indirectly, led her back to the Catholic church.  She is now an apologist for Catholic Answers.  Check out her website if you get the chance.

- 5 -
I've never read Catcher in the Rye, and depending upon to whom I talk, I'm either missing a great piece of literature, or I'm really not missing much at all.  A priest from our diocese, Fr. Damian J. Ference, has a great perspective on this work in this month's issue of Dappled Things.  Check it out.  A lot of it makes much sense in our Catholic IF world.

- 6 -

The weather this week has been delightful - upper 70s, low 80s, sunny during the day with some showers in the late evening and overnight.  It's my definition of perfect summer weather.  One thing we've been seeing, though, are some of those big Fall clouds - just a little hint of what's to come.

- 7 -
As much as I'll hate to see summer go, there's one thing I won't miss - the mosquitoes.  Whether I'm tying up the tomatoes, deadheading the flowers or hiking with DH and Jack, I get chomped, chewed, munched, mangled, bit and bothered. 

"Daybreak is a never-ending glory. . .  getting out of bed is a never-ending nuisance."
GK Chesterton

Don't forget to check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In - Weeks 4 & 5

I thought publicly recording my attempt to lose weight would provide motivation.  I was wrong.

But I'll keep trying.